It is our greatest pleasure to introduce our department.
Professor and Head
Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and neck Surgery
Seoul National University College of Medicine
Seoul, Korea
This annual report represents the clinical, educational, and research activities carried out in the Department of ORL-HNS of Seoul National University in 2020. Since 2011, we have united all the annual reports from 3 hospitals under the umbrella of Seoul National University Healthcare [Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), Seoul National University Bundang hospital (SNUBH), and Boramae Medical Center (BMC)] into one report.
The year 2020 was an unprecedented year in many aspects, not only in society but also in the department. The COVID-19 changed the world, daily life and academic activities. Zoom became a new normal. After one of the longest and most stringent lockdowns in all around the world, there is widespread hope with vaccination that, this time, it may finally be reaching the beginning of the end. Another important thing is a sudden government policy announcement regarding founding of public medical school without any communication to medical society.
That caused massive bewilderment and anger among the young doctors and medical students. Fellows, Residents, and students raged against the injustice of all. They rushed into the political and social issues without any official support of senior doctors and chief executives in big hospitals. It ended with the sudden completion of negotiation by the chief of Korean Medical Association. We were disappointed with the negotiation results.
While it was important to adapt quickly to the unprecedented rise in remote academic activities, it was equally critical to build the foundation for long-term, sustainable new normal. We successfully run the 27th Seoul Symposium (the memorial symposium for Prof. Chong-Sun Kim) with online. The number of delegates was sure to set a new record 2020 year, surpassing 650 delegates.
We congratulate and welcome our 6 new residents who had been selected through a highly competitive resident application process. We also congratulate Prof. Chae-Seo Rhee, who has successfully completed his role of 2-year chairmanship of our department and was renominated as a 2nd-term chairman. We congratulate Prof. Jun-Ho Lee for successfully operating society as a president of Korean Audiological Society. Prof. Doo-Hee Han had come back from foreign research study and Prof. Myung-Whan Suh continued to spend in the United State of America for his research works. The department gave “Young professor of the year” and “Resident of the Year” awards to Prof. Eun Jae Chung and Dr. Sung-Dong Cho, senior resident, respectively.
We have maintained its strong position and has strived for excellence in our field. In the clinics from all the three hospitals, we had 8,755 cases of of operations and cared 28,706 outpatients and 8,509 inpatients. In spite of busy days taking care of many patients, we published 11 papers to national journals, 173 to international journals. The newest knowledge was regularly introduced and discussed among faculty members and residents in diverse conferences held in our department. Every Wednesday morning, all three hospitals individually conducted a case-topic conference introducing interesting cases and were followed by topic review accordingly. We continuously updated Standard Operation Protocol (SOP) based on this conference. Supplementary to these regular meetings we held Otology and Rhinology conferences, Tumor board, radiology conference and pathology conference for discussing effective treatment for complicated cases which enhanced our training program.
I have no doubt that the year 2020 had made one of the most valuable histories of our department. I heartily appreciate our faculty members and residents who did their best in their position. And I'm honored to have a chance of greeting to all of the alumni who always take a profound attention and advice our department. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the colleagues who devoted themselves to the prosperity of our department.