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우리나라 이비인후과 중추로서 세계 최고 수준의 교육, 연구, 진료를 통하여 탁월한 능력을 갖춘 인재를 양성하고 국민의 건강향상에 기여한다.

As the leading center of Otorhinolaryngology representing South Korea, we aim to educate and empower equipped professionals
and to contribute to national health via world-leading education, research, and medial service.


첨단 의료 시스템을 구축  ·  기초 및 임상연구발전을 위한 인적, 물적, 자원을 확보  ·  국내, 국제 교류를 증진

Establishment of advanced medical care system  ·  Securing human, physical resources for development of laboratory,
clinical research  ·  Promotion of domestic, international partnership

I. Education & Training Committee

Jeong-Whun Kim
Eun-Jae Chung
Moo-Kyun Park, Tae-Bin Won, Dae-Woo Kim,Jae-Jin Song,Woo-Jin Jeong, Doo-Hee Han


To discuss the requirements for education and training of residents, and to improve their quality and ability by teaching and supervising them.


This committee decides requirements for recruiting new residents and determines categories and criteria that will evaluate residents. It manages promotion, work performance, rewards and punishments and annual training schedules of residents. It will also decide any matters related to resident that have not been discussed yet.

II. Research Committee

Dong-Young Kim
Seung-No Hong
Min-Hyun Park, Seong-Keun Kwon, Hyun-Jik Kim, Byung-Yoon Choi, Myung-Whan Suh, Won-Jae Cha, Doh-Young Lee, Sung-Woo Cho, Ye-Ji Shim


To manage and supervise research activities for revitalizing them.


Research committee manages common research expenses, research expenses for a thesis, research funds, database for research and the information related to research expenses. It discusses the management of laboratory and recruitment and treatment of researchers. It develops the programs to stimulate intra-departmental activities of research. It also takes part in revitalizing Sensory Organ Research Institute. It decides adequate range of research expenses of three hospitals. Whenever new problems about research and fund management occur, it will manage them.